Employee Compliance & Diversity

The California State University (CSU) fosters a diverse and inclusive employment environment that is safe and respects all employees, students, and visitors. The CSU works to protect your rights and foster a safe, inclusive environment. Learn more about your rights and HR compliance policies.  The CSU is committed to transparency and compliance to policies affecting privacy, conflict of interest, and outside employment by Management and Executive personnel.​

For additional information on compliance and diversity reporting please select the area below.



California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)

The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) is intended to protect children from abuse and neglect. Executive Order 1083 became CSU policy on January 1, 2013, and was updated on July 21, 2017. The policy requires Mandated Reporters to report child abuse and neglect whenever, in their professional capacity or within the scope of their employment, they have knowledge of, observe, or reasonably suspect it.

    HR Services and Faculty Affairs are responsible for identifying Mandated Reporters based on the broad categories outlined in CANRA.  As a matter of CSU policy, all Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employees and volunteers are considered Limited Reporters, unless they are in positions that require the General Reporter designation.

    Executive Order 1083, revised 7/21/2017, outlines the reporting requirement and procedure for reporting.  All CSU employees hired after 1/1/1985 who are identified as Mandated Reporters will be required to sign a statement that acknowledges their reporting obligations either as a General Reporter or Limited Reporter. 

    Employees who are not designated Mandated Reporters are strongly encouraged to report suspected child abuse or neglect, although they are not legally required to do so.

    Step One - Immediately, or as soon as possible, contact by phone one of the following:

    Step Two - Within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident:

    Please Note! - In case of an emergency or if a crime is in progress, employees should always immediately call campus police or 911.

    Human Resources will notify employees via email if they are required mandated reporters. Employees can view positions identified as Mandatory Reporters by reviewing Executive Order 1083

              Executive Order 1083

    CANRA identifies two categories of Mandated Reporters, which CSU has termed:

    • General Reporter – those who are legally required to report child abuse or neglect no matter where it occurs; and
    • Limited Reporter – those who are legally required to report child abuse or neglect only if it occurs on CSU premises or at an official activity of, or program conducted by, the CSU

    Diversity Reporting


    The California State University (CSU) is committed to maintaining and implementing employment policies and procedures in compliance with applicable nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws and regulations. It is CSU policy (EO 1088) to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, and veteran status.

    Program Development

    Accordingly, each campus (including the Office of the Chancellor) shall establish and maintain a written affirmative action program and a set of procedures that are consistent with all applicable laws and regulations governing nondiscrimination and affirmative action.

    Authority for Program Development and Compliance

    1. Systemwide
      The Chancellor, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for providing systemwide guidance in the effective adoption and implementation of affirmative action programs. This includes, but is not limited to, communicating with the campuses through policy memoranda or technical letters regarding legislative, regulatory or policy changes.
    2. Campus
      The President, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for the development and implementation of the campus affirmative action program. This includes, but is not limited to:

      • Promulgating the affirmative action program;
      • Updating the affirmative action program annually;
      • Communicating about the program to campus administrators and other members of the campus community, as appropriate;
      • Conducting training on the nondiscrimination, equal employment, and affirmative action obligations of the CSU for members of the campus community, as appropriate; and
      • Designing an administrative support structure that facilitates compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and systemwide policies and guidance.

    SF State Affirmative Action Plan 20/21 - Entire

               Workforce Analysis

               JobGroup Analysis

               Zipcode Analysis

               Availability Analysis

               Analysis Summaries (Workforce, JobPersonnel Transactions)

    San Francisco State University Affirmative Action Plans for the previous nine (9) years. This will provide a ten (10) year scope in order for users to discover trends in the provided data.

    Archived Reports

    What is IPEDS?

    IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. These data are made available to students and parents through the College Navigator college search Web site and to researchers and others through the IPEDS Data Center.

    IPEDS Data

    The reports contained in this section use IPEDS reporting conventions. IPEDS reporting differs from local reporting in the following ways:

    1. IPEDS includes 2nd baccalaureates in undergraduate student enrollment, whereas the campus includes 2nd baccalaureates in postbaccalaureate (graduate) student enrollment.
    2. IPEDS includes freshmen entering with greater than 29 college units earned in high school as first-time, whereas the campus excludes students entering with greater than 29 units earned in high school from first-time freshmen counts.
    3. IPEDS calculates ethnic percentages using all ethnic groups in the base, whereas the campus calculates ethnic percentages using only reported ethnicities, which excludes "race/ethnicity unknown" and "nonresident alien" categories.

    Compliance Content Owner Contacts


    • Avoiding Conflict of Interest
    • Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect (CANRA)


    Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect (CANRA) (CSU Learn on-line course is optional)

    Ingrid Williams
    AVP of Human Resources
    Email: hrcompliance@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-1872

    Title IX: Promoting Gender Equity & Preventing Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence
    Website: https://titleix.sfsu.edu/about


    • Gender Equity & Title IX
    • Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation Prevention for Supervisors/Non-Supervisors


    Azza Sidahmed
    Case Coordinator
    Email: azzasidahmed@sfsu.edu

    Lori Makin-Byrd
    Acting Title IX Coordinator
    Email: equityprograms@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-2032

    Disability Programs & Resource Center
    Website: https://access.sfsu.edu/

    Training: CSU-NVRA-SB 35

    Nicole Redding
    Disability Programs and Resource Center Director
    Email: nredding@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 405-3583
    Dalice Mariah Stogden
    Physical Access Services Coordinator
    Email: dstogden@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 405-4132
    • Data Security and FERPA

    • Red Flags

    Questions regarding the training Submit Service Request

    • For requests of waiving the courses above due to completion at another CSU, you can specify in the ticket that this is a request for Tuan Anh Do to waive the training.
    Tuan Anh Do
    Interim Information Security Officer
    Email: service@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-1986
    Website: https://its.sfsu.edu/service/informationsecuritytraining


    • COVID-19 Refresher
    • Emergency Action Plan at SF State
    • Injury and Illness Prevention Program
    • Laboratory Safety Fundamentals
    • Managing During COVID-19

    Environmental Health Services

    Linda Vadura
    CSP, CCHO EH&S Compliance Specialist, Radiation Safety Officer
    Email: lvadura@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-6892
    Marc Majewski
    Environmental Health and Occupational Safety Director
    Email: majewski@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-2596

    Website: https://erm.sfsu.edu/


    • Defensive Driving
    • Ergonomics
    Demond Blanton
    Workers’ Compensation & Loss Control Manager
    Email: dblanton72@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-1545
    • Youth Protection Training
    Michael Beatty
    Executive Director, Enterprise Risk Management
    Email: mbeatty@sfsu.edu
    Phone: (415) 338-1124