Employee resource groups are voluntary, employee-led groups that can provide professional and social networks. They can connect colleagues across the campus community in a supportive and inclusive environment, and create spaces for employees who are part of, identify with or wish to be an ally of several affinity groups. Employee resource groups are open to all, and anyone interested in our activities and resources is welcome regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Be part of the change you want to see, to help build a strong and diverse campus by joining one! Some offer a paid membership, some are at no cost. Contact them for more information.
If you know of groups missing from this list, or, if you’d like to start your own, please email Nancy Ganner at ganner@sfsu.edu
The San Francisco State University alumni network
Website: Alumni Association
Interested in Alumni Affinity groups? Find them here
Asian American and Pacific Islander Staff and Faculty Association (AAPISFA)
- Open to any SF State staff and faculty who want to join this association. This association is to support and build community among AA&PI Staff and Faculty, through shared celebrations, cultural traditions, and mentorship
- We hope to foster belonging, community, and cross collaboration for staff and faculty at SF State as an affinity group for professionals in higher education. We hope to empower AA&PI staff and faculty through shared best practices, research, resources, and professional development opportunities, and mentorship navigating the field of higher education.
- AAPISFA Standing Committee.
- Please fill out our Qualtrics form here if you are interested in joining our employee resource group, and add to our listserv for upcoming community events and announcements!
Contact: Jeremy Khuth jkhuth@sfsu.edu
Our mission is to promote an environment that encourages support, unity, and the development of relationships among faculty, staff, and students. In doing so, we aim to be a visible resource by networking, sponsoring outreach, and cultural activities.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sfsubfsa/
Contact: Jimmie Wilder jwilder@sfsu.edu
Contact: Xiaorong Zhang xrzhang@sfsu.edu
In recognition and appreciation of the professional, scholarly, and creative contributions of the faculty before retirement, acknowledging these activities do not end with retirement.
Website: SF State Faculty Emeritus
Recognizes significant contributions long-serving staff make to the history and fabric of the University community, and the relationships many staff build in their service to the University with its students, alumni, and faculty.
Description | Page |
Long-serving staff | SF State Emeritus Staff |
Request Form | Emeritus Staff Request Form |
Fit Plus is a health and wellness program for faculty and staff at SF State supported by the Kinesiology Dept. Our goal is to promote health and well-being for University employees.
Email: jpen@sfsu.edu or fitplus@sfsu.edu or kinesiol@sfsu.edu
Website: https://kin.sfsu.edu/fit-plus
Instagram: @sfsufitplus
The LGBTQ Faculty, Staff and Allies listserv is a community-building resource for communicating with other LGBTQ faculty, staff and allies at our SF State campus. List members can share information of interest and use the listserv to organize and publicize events.
To join the distribution list, email: lgbtq-fac-staff-request@lists.sfsu.edu
Contact: Nancy Ganner ganner@sfsu.edu
#WorkingParent Do you have a kid? Do you want to connect with other working parents on campus? Join us to gush about our kids and visit hot topics that are important to us in navigating work and parent life. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child and we want to be part of your support network!
Contact: Marciana Flores mfloresa@sfsu.edu
Nursing parents: find our Lactation Room locations here
Raza Faculty and Staff (RFSA) unite as an organization to secure for all Chicano/Latino faculty, staff, and students equal participation in the San Francisco State University community.
Website: Welcome to Raza Faculty and Staff Association (RFSA)
Aims to help you stay in touch with the friends you made while working at SF State, keep you informed about campus changes and retiree activism and concerns, provide social events and learning opportunities for its members and help support the campus and its employees. All retired employees of the University are welcome.
Website: Retirement Association
The Safe Zone Ally program is a voluntary program of trained students, faculty, staff, and administrators who complete an educational training to develop a greater awareness of issues affecting students of all genders and sexual identities.
Website: Safe Zone Program
SF State staff and faculty are trained to guide the SF State community in learning how to support the undocumented student population
Website: Dream Resource Center
SF State WISE provides opportunities for women in STEM fields to learn from and support one another through presentations, workshops, and the establishment of mentoring communities.
The Alcademics is a fun, faculty and staff wine club that meets intermittently to appreciate wine in the company of colleagues across the University. In existence since 2014, the club plans multiple events per year for everyone from novices to connoisseurs. Welcome to all campus employees and their guests. To get on the distribution list for upcoming events, email:
Contact: Prof. Eric Lamm, ericlamm@sfsu.edu