San Francisco State remains steadfast in our commitment to maintaining a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where every Gator can thrive. This webpage provides guidance on responding to immigration officers, information about individual rights, and available resources.
San Francisco State employees shall not consent to provide access to non-public spaces or share information with anyone including law enforcement authorities, about immigration status, religion, nationality, ethnicity or other information about employees or students unless required by a judicially issued warrant, subpoena, or other legally binding requirement. Immigration enforcement is the responsibility of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, not the University.
The University Police Department does not have responsibility for immigration enforcement. Consistent with California Law, and the approach of law enforcement agencies in California, it does not inquire about immigration status in the normal course of its duties and will not participate with other agencies in immigration enforcement activities unless legally required to do so.
The University is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment. In that spirit and in alignment with the CSU system’s AB 21 and AB 450 Guidance, this page provides information about our campus designees for immigration-related matters and guidance and resources for the campus community.
- If an immigration officer approaches you while on campus, please contact or refer them to the University Police Department (UPD) at 415-338-2222 or
- When contacting UPD via phone, tell the dispatcher you need the on-duty police manager for immediate response to immigration officers on campus and the location where you need assistance.
- UPD is the official department for direct communication with immigration officers.
- Again, notify UPD immediately if you become aware of any federal immigration or law enforcement activity on campus.
- For students, the designated contact is Dr. Jamillah Moore, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management or Dr Frederick Smith, Associate Vice President for Equity, Community, and Inclusion at 415-338-2032 or
- For employees, the designated contact is Dr. Ingrid Williams, Sr. Associate Vice President for Human Resources,, 415-405-2650 (direct line) or 415-338-1872
- Notify UPD or the appropriate designees immediately if you become aware of any federal immigration or law enforcement activity on campus.
- Refer any student or employee with concerns about immigration orders or inquiries to the designated contacts.
- CSU enrollment and tuition policies are not based on immigration status and should not be impacted by anticipated Executive Orders.
- State funding available under the California Dream Act is based on residency rules, not immigration status.
- CSU will not release immigration status or related information in confidential student records to federal agencies or other parties without a judicial warrant, a subpoena, a court order, or as otherwise required by law.
- CSU is committed to assuring an environment where all members of our university community are not hesitant or afraid to come forward or interact with our University Police Departments (UPD) for fear of intervention by ICE.
- The primary jurisdiction for enforcement of federal immigration laws concerning unlawful entry into the United States rests with ICE, not the University or UPD.
- There is no connection between the TPM policy and immigration enforcement actions taken by federal or other agencies external to the CSU.
Know Your Rights
The regional Immigrant Legal Resource Center’s (ILRC) Know Your Rights Red Card, which is designed to help individuals communicate their rights in encounters with immigration officials.
You can download it below in several languages, or obtain a free card in the Dream Resource Center.
Related Links
- SFSU Dream Resource Center
- CSU Resources for Undocumented Students
- FAQs for CSU employees about federal immigration enforcement on university property
- Legal support services
- Know Your Rights cards from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- Webinars and educational opportunities
- Mental health resources
- Immigration Resources | San Francisco Interfaith Council
- CSU Learn - Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community
- Immigrant Services and Resources
- Know Your Rights and Guidance on Responding to Immigration Enforcement Actions
Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your ongoing dedication to fostering an inclusive campus environment. As we step into a new semester, let us move forward with same resilience, care, and unity that define SFSU. Together, we will continue to create an environment where everyone can thrive.