Employee Accommodations Services

San Francisco State University (SF State) supports the employment of faculty and staff with disabilities. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended, and regulations promulgated by the Department of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH), SF State provides qualified individuals with disabilities with reasonable accommodations through the EAS (see Human Resources Practice Directive 445).

Employee Accommodation Process

The following is the step-by-step process to follow if you wish to make a formal request for accommodations based on disability. Please note that all accommodations are individualized based on your disability and the nature of your job. A complete exploration of possible accommodations is achieved via an initial appointment. EAS approved accommodations are reached in consultation with both the employee and the appropriate administrator in their department.

  1. Complete the Employment Accommodation Request Form to make a formal request for an employment related accommodation by providing some basic information about yourself. You will receive an email confirmation once complete.
  2. Have your medical provider complete an Employee Disability Verification Form if requested by EAS.  Most disabilities require documentation from your healthcare provider.  Documentation should include the nature of your disability, a description of functional limitations, and suggestions for potential reasonable accommodations at the workplace. Please ask your provider not to disclose your medical diagnosis. (EAS requires your provider to answer all questions contained in this form, either on the EAS form itself or on other paperwork.) Forms should be completed by a provider who fully understands your disability such as someone with an appropriate specialty or education.
  3. The confidentiality of your information is important to EAS. Upload the completed Employee Disability Verification form to EAS via our secure file upload or bring them with you to your initial appointment. (Please note: you can also use the secure file upload link to submit other documents at any time during your work with EAS.) If you have any questions about or need assistance in completing these forms, please contact EAS at eahr@sfsu.edu.
  4. Schedule an initial appointment with EAS to formalize your employment accommodation request.
  5. EAS evaluates how your accommodation request relates to the essential functions of your job, which we will usually obtain from the essential job functions in your position description of record, and information from you and your manager.
  6. EAS consults with your manager about your accommodation request and only shares information necessary to understanding the request.
  7. In most cases, EAS hosts an interactive accommodation meeting with you and your manager of record to discuss the details of the accommodations, review a draft reasonable accommodation letter, and discuss any concerns.
  8. A final reasonable accommodation letter is sent to you and your manager of record. If either of you requests it, EAS will host a meeting to discuss any possible concerns.
  1. Accommodations can sometimes be in place within two to three weeks of you, the employee, providing comprehensive documentation and requesting the accommodation with EAS.  The accommodation process can sometimes take more time, depending on how soon EAS receives clear information from your healthcare provider, and the complexity of your request.  
  2. A manager or supervisor may refer you to EAS, however, it is your responsibility to follow-up in a timely manner if you would like accommodation consideration. Your timely response to EAS inquiries will help expedite your request.
  3. If you were permanently injured on the job or need long term leave consideration, EAS will refer you to other employee resources such as Workers Compensation or  the Leaves Department in Human Resources as a first step.
  4. For more information about the accommodation process for employees, please refer to Human Resources Practice Directive 445

More Information on Your Request

A disability is any mental or physical impairment that limits a major life activity, e.g. seeing, walking, breathing, etc. Employees requesting employment accommodations due to a disability must meet the criteria and requirements established under the California Fair Employment Housing Act (FEHA) as well as Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended. The EAS evaluates how each accommodation request relates to the essential functions of your job, which may include requesting your official position description of record. The University reserves the right to make the determination of the reasonableness of any accommodation request.


The EAS is SF State University’s administrative program charged with collecting confidential medical and professional verification of a qualified employee’s disability to determine reasonable and appropriate employment accommodations.

Upon receipt of the accommodation request and health care forms, the EAS creates a confidential file. Typically, this file contains medical information, the request form, written correspondence, and file notes. All disability-related information provided by you is strictly confidential and is only released if there is a health and safety related emergency; or if you sign a Release of Information form for a specific person to receive information. 

Your employee accommodation file is kept in a secure location, separate from official personnel or HR files. You are not required to provide supervisors/department heads with any specific information pertaining to your disability. However, supervisors and department heads are entitled to information regarding your approved reasonable accommodations, are involved in discussions of how possible accommodations may be practicable for the department, and if reasonable accommodations are approved, will be provided with a copy of your Reasonable Accommodation Letter.

Employees who believe an accommodation oversight has occurred, an accommodation has not been provided in a timely manner or who feel they have been denied a requested reasonable accommodation may seek reconsideration through established University policies and procedures. Please see existing collective bargaining agreements, Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) procedures and appropriate state and federal enforcement agencies below for more information.

What if I find that my university approved accommodations are not meeting my needs on the job?

Contact the EAS at eahr@sfsu.edu to schedule an appointment to review your accommodation needs.

What if my job changes?

If your job changes, then you will need to contact EAS to start the interactive accommodation process to review and evaluate your accommodation needs. This will include reviewing the essential functions of your new job as it is outlined in your updated position description of record.

What if my supervisor/manager changes?

It’s very important that you meet with your new supervisor/manager to discuss and review your accommodations as they are outlined in your reasonable accommodation letter. EAS is available to facilitate this meeting with you and your supervisor/manager.

What if my health changes and/or I think I may need additional accommodations?

Contact EAS to schedule an appointment to start the interactive accommodation process. You may need to provide updated disability verification documentation from your healthcare provider or diagnostician in order to determine if accommodation adjustments are needed.

What are the CSU policies regarding reasonable accommodations based on disability for employees?

Information related to CSU policy related to reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities can be viewed at the CSU Executive Order 1111 page.

What if I retire or leave the university to take a job somewhere else?

Please contact EAS to update your employment status, especially if you were given furniture or equipment as part of your reasonable accommodations. Furniture or equipment purchased for employees as part of a reasonable accommodation is property of EAS and must be returned to EAS if or when the furniture or equipment is no longer needed by you to perform your essential job functions, or if or when you are no longer employed by SF State.

These forms are posted as a convenience to faculty and staff. Some forms on this page will require you to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you are unable to view these, you may download Adobe Reader at no charge. 

Contact Us

email: eahr@sfsu.edu

phone: (415)338-2377

fax: (415)338-0533

room: ADM 252

Office Hours

Monday - Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday:


Mailing Address

San Francisco State University

1600 Holloway Avenue, ADM 255

San Francisco, CA 94132