SF State Emeritus Staff

San Francisco State University recognizes the significant contributions long-serving staff make to the history and fabric of the University community, and the relationships many staff build in their service to the University with its students, alumni and faculty.

Under 14th President Lynn Mahoney, in support of Academic Senate resolution Number: RF16-354, San Francisco State University instituted an Emeritus Staff program. This program will acknowledge its valued staff and remain connected with them once they depart the university, to express gratitude for their years of service and their commitment to students. All staff are ambassadors of Gator pride and are invited to this program upon retirement from the university.

SF State Emeritus Staff member directory

Emeritus Staff
Name Department Email
Gretchen Armstrong Graduate College of Education gaa@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Tod Arnoldy College of Business todarnoldy@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Margaret Sarno Boehm College of Liberal & Creative Arts mboehm@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Eugene R. Chelberg Student Affairs chelberg@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Constance Dent Bryan University Development constanceb@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Patricia DeVera College of Science & Engineering deverat@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Irene Donner Audit & Advisory Services idonner@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Barbara J. Enes College of Health & Social Sciences benes@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Diane Fenster College of Science & Engineering dianefenster@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Elise Ficarra College of Liberal & Creative Arts elfi@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Alan Fisk Disability Programs & Resource Center alanfisk@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Ginnie D. Fong J. Paul Leonard Library ginnie.fong@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Lily Gee University Police lilygee@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Mary (Meg) Gorzycki Center for Equity in Teaching and Learning meggorzycki@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Elogeanne O. Matson Grossman Office of the President elogeanne@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Lorna Hill Undergraduate Admissions hill@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Wanda Humphrey Human Resources wanda@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Douglas Hupke Alumni Relations dhupke@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Thomas Iwatsubo J. Paul Leonard Library tiwatsubo@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Ayan Jiggetts College of Liberal & Creative Arts jiggetts@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Jennifer L. Jones Educational Opportunity Program gengen@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Kevin Kelly Academic Technology kkelly@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Russell Kilday-Hicks Facilities Services rkildayhicks@emeritus.sfsu.edu  
Lily Lam Fiscal Affairs lilylam@emeritus.sfsu.edu  
Edna Y.M. Lee College of Humanities ednaymlee@emeritus.sfsu.edu
John Lew Facilities Services johnlew@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Eleanor Luis College of Ethnic Studies eleanorluis@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Betty Matsuoka College of Ethnic Studies bettymatsuoka@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Sheila McClear Office of the President mcclearsheila@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Bridget McCracken College of Health & Social Sciences/PACE bmccracken@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Daniel McGough, Jr. College of Creative Arts dmcgough@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Jerrie D. McIntyre College of Behavioral & Social Sciences jerriemcintyre@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Patricia Michel Student Health Services p55michel@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Patrice Mulholland Office of International Programs pmulholl@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Hanh My Nguyen Registrar's Office hanhnguyen@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Maggie O'Brien University Development mobrien@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Jay Orendorff Business Operations jayo@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Thai T. Pham Academic Technology thaipham@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Jeff Rosenstock College of Liberal & Creative Arts jeffr@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Dorothy Ross College of Ethnic Studies dross@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Andrea Rouah University Advancement arouah@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Jill Russell Institute of Civic & Community Engagement jillrussell@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Donna Ryan Human Resources drsiaem@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Peg Sarosy College of Extended Learning, American Language Institute pegsarosy@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Kathy Sherak College of Extended Learning katharinesherak@emeritus.sfsu.edu  
Annette Speed School of Humanities and Liberal Studies annettespeed@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Lavette Spencer Disability Programs and Resource Center lavettespencer@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Donna L. Smith College of Liberal & Creative Arts donnasmith@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Arline Van Ness Housing arlinevn@emeritus.sfsu.edu  
James E. Van Ness Fiscal Affairs jvanness@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Jo Volkert Enrollment Management jhvolkert@emeritus.sfsu.edu  
Georgianna Wong J. Paul Leonard Library gli@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Yenbo Wu Division of International Education yenbowu@emeritus.sfsu.edu
Jiaxin Xie Division of International Education jiaxinx@emeritus.sfsu.edu   
Phonita Yuen College of Ethnic Studies phonita@emeritus.sfsu.edu 
Zelinda Zingaro Capital Planning, Design & Construction zeezingaro@emeritus.sfsu.edu  


Eligibility for Emeritus Staff status

Staff with a minimum of 10 years of full-time service to the University are eligible for Emeritus Staff status. If serving in a part-time position, the total amount of service time should add up to a minimum of 10 years. Staff must have already filed for a full-service retirement and be in good standing with the campus community.

Employee Type

  1. Represented Employees (all bargaining units)
  2. Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Employees
  3. Confidential Employees

The process to Request Emeritus Staff status

  1. The (retiring/retired) employee completes the Emeritus Staff Request Form to indicate interest.
  2. Once submitted, Human Resources will process the request to approve eligibility.
  3. If Emeritus status is approved, Human Resources will send confirmation and privileges will be facilitated.
  4. Emeritus Staff to advise Human Resources of any change to an email address for their privileges to continue.
  5. The President’s Office reserves the right to amend this program, in consultation with Human Resources.

Privileges of Staff Emeritus

Employees granted Emeritus Staff status will have the following privileges (subject to change):

  • Emeritus Staff SF State ID card
  • Emeritus Email (ex: yourname@emeritus.sfsu.edu, forwarded to your personal email)
  • Listing on the Emeritus Staff directory
  • 10% discount at the SF State Bookstore (excluding textbooks and technology)
  • Free admission to university athletic games, upon request
  • Access to the J. Paul Leonard Library (for borrowing privileges, contact Friends of the Library)
  • Access to campus Fine Arts Gallery and the Global Museum
  • Invitations to volunteer/attend events (Commencement, Gator Days, Scholarship Reading Days, Explore SF State, Welcome Days, Founders Day, etc.)
  • Campus/event parking when volunteering, as determined by the hosting department
  • Access to Mashouf Wellness Center: semester/annual membership, at the discounted employee rate
  • Osher Lifelong Learning Institute membership discount (50% off the first year)
  • SFSU Retirement Association membership (free for the first year)

Other information to note:

  • Emeritus Staff applications are accepted year-round.
  • Applications are reviewed at the end of each academic semester. 
  • For questions about this program, please email staffemeritus@sfsu.edu