SF State COVID Positive Exposure Notification(s)

In compliance with CalOSHA, the University is required to send out general exposure notifications to all employees within 24-hours of a newly reported case. A “close contact” is a person who shared the same indoor airspace, e.g., home, clinic waiting room, airplane etc., for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (for example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes) during an infected person's (laboratory-confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) Infectious period.

The table below indicates relevant cases where SF State was notified of potential general exposure in the past 7 days. Case information may be found below.

COVID-19 Positive Case Notification 

Date of Exposure on Campus Building/Location [Hours Present on Campus]


Case information last updated on June 26, 2024.