Expanded COVID-19 Related Leave (ECRL)

What is ECRL – Expanded COVID-19 Related Leave?


The Expanded COVID-19 Related Leave (ECRL) is a program designed to support our employees who are unable to work for COVID-19 related reasons.  This program expands the state’s leave programs for COVID-19 related reasons with the recently passed SB95 (Chapter 13) COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.  Please refer to your union’s specific MOU for specific information.


ECRL can be used for the following COVID-19 related reasons when an employee is unable to work or telework:


  • Employee is subject to a quarantine or isolation period related to COVID-19 as defined by federal, state or local orders or guidelines
  • Employee is advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19.
  • Employee is attending an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Employee is experiencing symptoms related to a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Employee is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis.
  • Employee is caring for a family member who is subject to a quarantine or isolation order or guideline or who has been advised to self-quarantine by a health care provider due to concerns related to COVID-19. 
  • Employee is caring for a child whose school or place of care is closed or otherwise unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19 on the premises.


Staff/Faculty - To complete the form, please go to - CSU, COVID-19 ECRL Request Form

Hourly/Student - To complete the form, please go to - CSU, Hourly/Student COVID-19 ECRL Request Form


Below are the MOUs for CSU Bargaining Units (Additional MOUs will be posted as they become available)

CSU - APC (R04) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/09/2021)

CSU - CSUEU (R02, R05, R07, R09) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/01/2021)

CSU - SUPA (R08) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/01/2021)

CSU - Teamsters (R06) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/15/2021)

CSU - UAPD (R01) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/07/2021)

CSU - UAW (R11) - MOU ECRL SB95 (Amended Agreement 04/27/2021)


1. Which employee groups are covered by ECRL?

   As of 4/27/2021 all employee groups are covered by ECRL except for Unit 3 (Faculty). This          includes C-99 and MPPs.


2. Are special consultants also eligible for ECRL?

   Yes, special consultants are considered employees and are eligible under ECRL.


3.Are student assistants also eligible for ECRL?

    Yes, student assistants are eligible under ECRL. Students’ hours are pro-rated. So, their         maximum hours are 64 hours if they are scheduled 20 hours per week.


4. Do these expanded qualifying reasons under SB 95 now apply for Teamsters using ECRL?

     Yes, they apply as of 4/19/2021.


5. Can we use the new ECRL request form for all employee groups?

     Yes. There is a form available for staff and administrators using DocuSign. Teamsters request will indicate 256 hours, but all other employee groups are entitled to 128 hours. Student and Hourly employees will have a separate form which will be posted soon.


6. Since this is paid sick leave, does it count as time worked toward overtime eligibility? Meaning it is counted in the 40 hours and the employee would be eligible for premium overtime?

      Yes. SB 95 classifies this as sick leave. Since ECRL is intended to meet the requirements of  SB95 it should be treated as sick leave.


7. Does ECRL cover mental health concerns related to COVID-19 as previous COVID leaves did?

      Yes.  Mental illness was covered under COVID-19 related illness leave and is covered under  ECRL.


8. Can ECRL be used to take care of a family member who experiences symptoms related to the vaccine? Or must the employee use sick leave family?

  ECRL covers a family member if “...a family member is subject to a quarantine or isolation order or guideline or who has been advised to self-quarantine by a health care provider due to concerns related to COVID-19.” In the case of symptoms related to a COVID vaccine, the employee would use their own leave credits.


9. What will the leave be coded as in Absence Management?

       Code ECRL time as ECRL in Absence Management (AM).


10. Quarantine for COVID-19 is based on a reported exposure and must run consecutive for a minimum of 10 days. Can the employer ask for documentation?

         HR can ask for documentation if we suspect an employee is abusing the leave.

11. Can an employee use ECRL to take a child to school or daycare when it is during the work hours?

       No. The reasons under ECRL/SB 95 does not allow for time to be used to transport children

to school or daycare.


12. Can an employee with school-aged children with no childcare during the summer months use ECRL to assist with the issue of childcare?

      It depends. If childcare during the summer is closed or unavailable due to COVID, the employee can use ECRL. That would include summer camp programs that were cancelled or simply not operating due to COVID.


13. If an employee requests ECRL for quarantine, and they already have an ECRL request on file for time to receive the vaccination, can we deny the quarantine request?

     Yes. Employees are not required to quarantine after an exposure if they have been vaccinated unless instructed by a doctor.