Coronavirus (COVID-19) Student Employees FAQ's

Can student employees continue to work during this time of remote instruction?

Yes, if they have their supervisor’s approval and if their work can be completed remotely.


What if student employees are unable to work remotely after April 7, 2020?  Will they still get paid?

Yes, Effective April 8th, students who are unable to work remotely may continue to be paid through the use of Temporary Paid Administrative Leave (TPAL). Student employees should contact their supervisor to communicate their need to claim TPAL.


What is Temporary Paid Administrative Leave?

TPAL is a benefit that provides a student employee, who is unable to work remotely, with their usual rate of pay for a limited period of time due to COVID-19 related reasons, including:

  • employee’s own COVID-19- related illness or that of a family member who the employee would normally be able to use sick leave for;  
  • employee is unable to work because the employee has been directed by their supervisor or healthcare provider not to come to the worksite for COVID-19-related reasons and/or it is not operationally feasible for the employee to work remotely; and
  • employee is unable to work due to a COVID-19-related school or daycare closure and the employee is required to be at home with a child or dependent, and it is not operationally feasible for the employee to work remotely or in conjunction with the childcare commitment.


How many hours can a student employee be paid for through Temporary Paid Administrative Leave?

The CSU Office of the Chancellor has granted use of TPAL up to a total of 256 hours (prorated for those who do not work full-time) between April 8, 2020 and December 31, 2020. 

Example:  A student employee is unable to work remotely and wishes to use all 256 hours of TPAL.  Their hours would be pro-rated based on their usual work schedule, up to 20 hours maximum per week. If a student employee usually worked 20 hours per week, they would be eligible for a total of 128 hours of TPAL.  If the student employee was usually scheduled to work 4 hours per day, they would be eligible for 32 days of TPAL (4 hours/day times 32 days equals 128 hours). Therefore, a supervisor would approve 4 hours/day from April 8 – May 29 as TPAL.


For student employees who have their supervisor’s approval to work remotely effective April 8, TPAL hours may be available for their future use through December 31, 2020 if they are unable to work later due to COVID-19 related reasons.  


How do student employees gain access to Temporary Paid Administrative Leave?

If interested in using TPAL, student employees should contact their supervisor as soon as possible.  Supervisors may have student employees report their hours in the same way they did prior to COVID-19; however, supervisors will need to keep track of TPAL utilized by each student employee through May 29, 2020.


Will student employees in Unit 11 (Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants) have access to Temporary Paid Administrative Leave?

Yes, student employees in Unit 11 will have access to TPAL. Given that many of these positions may allow for work to be conducted remotely, student employees should contact their supervisor to discuss their work assignment.


Should student employees working remotely complete a temporary telecommuting agreement?

Yes, student employees who are working remotely should complete the Staff Temporary Telecommuting agreement.  The form for students can be completed via the PDF form only.