Eligibility, Eligible Dependents & Enrollment Deadlines


To be eligible for benefits, employees must be appointed:

  • at half time (.50) or more and for a period of six months or more (Staff)
  • for at least 6 weighted teaching units (.40) for one semester or more (Faculty)


Eligible Dependents

Employees may enroll the following dependants:

  • Spouse
  • **Domestic Partner
  • ****Unmarried child or economically dependent child under age 26

**The IRS has ruled that the actual cost of the domestic partner benefit is taxable income to the employee. Federal income, social security and Medicare taxes are deducted monthly from the employee?s paycheck upon addition of a domestic partner to the health and/or dental plans.

****Employees who enroll dependents age 24 - 25 may incur additional state income tax liability.

Required Documents

If enrolling a spouse/domestic partner or a child/adopted child/economic dependent child the following documents are required:

  • Marriage License (spouse)
  • Declaration of Domestic Partnership (Domestic Partner)
  • Birth certificate (dependent child)
  • Adoption Certificate (adopted child)
  • Affidavit of Parent - Child Relationship
  • *Social Security Numbers required, copies of card(s) not needed


Enrollment Deadlines

Enrollment forms must be received within 60 days of your appointment. The effective date of health, dental and vision coverage is the first of the month following the date the enrollment forms are received in the Human Resources Office.

Employees are responsible for notifying the Benefit office within 60 days of any life changes that may require changes to their benefit plans, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child or a child turning age 26.

If the deadline is missed, employees may enroll in health and dental insurance plans after a 90-day waiting period under the Health Care Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), or during the annual open enrollment period with coverage effective the following January 1.